Monday, February 4, 2008

Fire Robin Farm Pottery

2008 has been such an amazing year for not just BTP, but for the whole Evans's family. Just this week, I was checking through my email and old friends(like Missy Hartka) - friends who I have not heard from since High School - who were just surfing the internet finding old classmates happened to send me an email:) Those emails leave lasting impacts on my sole!! Even today, an old friend/coworker - Mike McIntyre (in my opinion, the best video editor in the world) sent me an email. Unfortunalty he is not editing video at the moment - however he is doing something amazing!!!! Making Pottery:)
So eager to see his work - knowing that he is so gifted.......a link was sent to my inbox today:) LOVE IT!!! So want some for my house!!! You know what is going in your stocking for Christmas 2009!!!!!

Anyway, I just find friendships so uplifting....true friends, regaurdless to when you last speak with them remain friends forever. I'm so blessed to have Mike as a friend and I'm so glad that we are back in touch. Now I want to share the world with him - let his pottery bless everyone's homes and give you an ounce of creativity to do something special for 2008!!!

Lots of love for Mike McIntyre.

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