Sunday, February 10, 2008

XM's Newest Broad - "Green Broad"

I am sooo excited:) To be apart of something not only so large, but to help so many people!! 2008 is a change in the right direction. To think that every 2 weeks I will get to chat with broads nationwide - about what other broads are doing in their community, reivew new products, keep everyone up to date with the nationwide contest for brides in 2008 (and publish a book).....geez!!!!I'm tickeled green:)

I just want to thank everyone for all of their love and support and I hope that 2008 brings everyone a breath of fresh air and leads them down a path that they have always wanted to travel in. My old dreams are finally becoming a reality!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am very excited for you Jen! You will be a great addition to the show. ~ Jaime Colby

Kristina said...

Congratulations! This is so exciting!